
这可能是你努力资助你的研究/项目中最耗时的一步. There are various ways to approach finding the right funder; among them:

  • 编制一份联邦机构和项目,以及较小的基金会和研究所的名单
  • Look at the types of projects each agency funds and the size of grants previously awarded; this will help determine how to frame your proposal
  • Thoroughly research public- and private-sector sponsors; the better fit the agency is to your project, 你就越有可能获得资金 


  • 你的项目是否符合机构的目标?
  • 这个融资机会的竞争有多激烈?
  • CSUF对这个机构有多熟悉?

这些问题可以帮助你缩小潜在资助机构的范围. Identifying potential agencies is only the first step; assessing the fit is a majority of the process.